Friday, January 25, 2013

Hotel for Lizards

     Today was not a very good day. It started out good with a plate of hash browns you could use as a frisbee and then I tried a whole bunch of fruit. Including rose apples, dragon fruit and watermelon. But then four little ducklings ventured out to the mall.
    Normally, the mall is a safe haven for girls. It's their jungle. They know how to navigate it, which stores to stop at, where the cleanest restrooms are. To give the best example, there were selling tents on one level. And a place to get some kind of plastic surgery done. Not at all the type of terrain I'm using to. Especially when the locals treated us in one of two ways.

  1. Passively: We were a dangerous, somewhat unique and rarely seen specimen to be observed from a distance. Direct confrontation should been avoided at all costs. This was the case in every shop we visited. 
  2. Aggressive: We were still dangerous but some salespeople took it upon themselves to corral us. It was very noticeable when we were the only ones being followed around. The worst case of this was when one of the ducklings was going to try on some clothes and a sales lady told her she couldn't because she "was too big". 
    We left the mall after that, I highly doubt we will venture there again. While there, we decided to have some Indian food for lunch. While one duckling decided to splurge, the others settled for 'chicken' samosas. I doubt the presence of chicken in them. They were really filling so two of us decided to wrap our leftovers up in napkins and carry them home. On the way home one duckling was almost hit by a pick up backing up while she was behind it then had another
    After resting for a few hours some of us gathered to go on a (pork) bun run. There's this awesome place a five minute walk from the guesthouse that has fresh, yummy buns. Tonight I discovered a love of red pork buns and milk tea (it's super sweet, almost sickly, so of course I love it). The second best part of the day was when the waitress misunderstood us and brought out three buns instead of one. Triple the yum factor.
    On the way back from the restaurant was the best part of the day. One duckling is scared of 'mice' (they're rats but "there's no such thing as rats"). I'm not entirely sure what happened, but it was one of those moments when you wish there was such a thing as instant cameras. All of a sudden she started screaming and running back the way we had just come. I didn't know why she was screaming but because she was and all of a sudden was running into me so I started screaming as which caused more rats to start running around. We could not stop laughing at her reaction because when she slowed down she was across the street and refused to come back.
    The second scare was me almost stepping on the biggest wild cockroach I've ever seen!! Thankfully I didn't scream because the last thing I needed was it to start running around. The third scare was when a lizard darted out and we thought it was another 'mouse'. It wasn't, so she calmed down but I took off running. Hate those lizards.
    When I got back to my room, guess what was waiting for me?? No, it wasn't a beautiful bouquet, it was another LIZARD!! My roommate suggested we start a lizard motel and put it right above my bed. I said no because they wouldn't pay.
    As I've been writing this I've been listening to music and breaking out in random dancing. My roommate, being fed up with my antics, has rolled over in an attempt to ignore me. It's working.
   Lizard Count: 4
 <-- Dragon Fruit

                ^Rose Apples^
Sorry for the long paragraph post. Did not seem that long when I was writing it. Hope you enjoyed it!!

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