Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sorry For Not Updating

    I have been fighting off something since we got back from Laos and tonight it reached it's climax. I will spare you the gory details and say Thailand finally attacked my stomach. I'm wondering if I would be able to make it through school tomorrow.So since I haven't updated in a while I have uploaded some pictures from this weekend to hold you over.
The Laotian night bazaar. They had other goods but just look at all those scarves.

This one didn't like getting her picture taken. Found her at a temple the first night and she wanted to follow me home. I felt so bad leaving her. 

Lao whiskey with snakes and scorpions, plus some other things. 

Sandwiches and crepes for breakfast!!

Went to a waterfall. This was one of the smaller ones along the way to the big one. 

Loved the blue color of the water. 

Really random, especially since it didn't do anything but turn. 

Us attempting to climb up the side of the waterfall. Deanna and I gave up about half-way there and went back down. She was scared of heights and I didn't feel like climbing in a dress and flip flops anymore. 

Because the waterfall wasn't enough there was a bear reserve on the way there. 

The Imperial Palace of the former king. Laos is a communist country which you wouldn't guess seeing as there are rich and poor people next to each other.

Saw a dance about a mythical story where the good guys wife gets kidnapped then he kills the demon that took her (with her monkey army) and then decides she has been unfaithful to him so she has to prove her love. They did pieces from the story because the full tale would have been eight hours long. 

The first temple steps I went up. Then I realized you had to pay to visit this temple and there was another 200 steps.

My second attempt at a temple

Another Buddha footprint. 

This guy scared me. I wandered into a cave at the temple and there he was, looking realistic and crying blood. 

The view from the temple

The way to the temple

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