Going to start with after I wrote the post last night. I had a Skype date when I made a new friend: CAKE BATTER!! She is a pregnant cat who I have never seen before and loves attention. I'm calling her Cake Batter because she's a strangely pretty mix of yellow and black with gold eyes. And it reminds me of her namesake. After I got off Skype I tried to go to my room but she was like "If you're going in there, I'm going in there too" and I was told her that Donna would kick her out. She eventually got bored of me and sauntered off into the night. I have not seen her since but we had a bond, so I'm sure she will pop up soon.
Had an early Thai class this morning, which to me means nine. Because we have to be up, fed (it takes forever for food here), and ready to go at 8:30. Which isn't that easy when you wake up at eight. And your roommate is hogging the bathroom (I was still passed out when she went to shower but she told me that she considered waking me up so I could use it before her. She's so sweet sometimes).
Got to the classroom, no teacher. Waited for about 15 minutes, no teacher. Called one of our three teachers who got back to us saying the teacher who we were supposed to have didn't realize he was supposed to be teaching so we reviewed for an hour and went off. The only problem is that we were stuck at school till one with nothing to do and three hours to do it in. So all the girls decided to take a nap in the park. Unfortunately. The situation keeps getting worse between the two halves of the group because the other half refuses to acknowledge how annoying they are and we are sick of hearing about anime and being a small percentage Native American. And just being creeped out by Lilith (I have mentioned before that Lilith gets motion sick. So today instead of getting in the front seat like she's supposed to she climbed in the back of the songthaew with everyone else. The whole time I'm praying in my head "Don't throw up everywhere, don't throw up everywhere" because she started looking sick about half-way through the trip back. I really do not understand her logic).
Found out that our missed class today will be made up tomorrow. So instead of getting to sleep in we have four hours of Thai tomorrow.
Tried to find someone to do my laundry today. Spoiler: I tried to find someone. I basically ended up carrying my really heavy bag of laundry for about an hour with Karen and Deanna (they offered to take it but it smelled). Drexler gave me directions to a street full of laundry people but they made no sense to me so we wandered in the opposite direction. Unfortunately, I am in desperate need of clothes for this weekend's trip so I'm sending some essentials to the guesthouse. I'm really trying not to make a habit of doing that because it is rather expensive.
Had roti (Thai crispy crepe) for dinner. A chocolate sauce with chocolate powder one to be exact. With condensed milk on top. I eat so healthy sometimes.
Did not go to the school tonight. I really liked interacting with other people but it's not enjoyable. I forgot to mention how one student, who spoke English, gave Karen and I some cooked corn on the cob, which was great because I had napped until the last possible minute and had not eaten dinner yet. But I think I'll get some human interaction somewhere else. Drexler is forcing Lilith to go to yoga or meditation (it's so nice she's paying all this money to go to another country to sit in her room on the computer all day.) so I might get in on that. And it will give me time away from everyone here so we don't get on each others nerves.
While everyone was gone and I was left alone in the room, I obviously had to use the bathroom at some point. So I went in and turned on the lights. And something started rustling in the trash can. All of a sudden a jing jok (chin choke) ran out and behind the toilet, making the oddest flop flop flop sound when it moved. So I made a choice. To be brave. When I had finished and was washing my hands I heard it flopping and turned around. It was on the toilet staring at me and I flew out of the room, locking it behind me. When Donna came back, she was disappointed not to see it.
Woke up after itching like crazy. I have acquired more bites and they are huge, kinda painful and super itchy.Took a shower and reapplied the eucalyptus balm, which is really helping. I'm going to try to get away with wearing jeans instead of my pencil skirt tomorrow so that people can't see the bites and I won't be tempted to itch them. Going to pick up some repellent tomorrow. It' really odd how most of us are getting bitten on our legs/feet when we're asleep, wearing pants and under the covers. I'm starting to think Thai mosquitoes are ninjas.

This is a jing jok. And I hate them. The small ones are cute, but not when you are alone.
Lizard Count: 7
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